Knitted Scarves and Tree Decorating

Back in May this year, we began decorating the trees at Field House Residential Care Home with brightly coloured scarves knitted by family and friends to help everyone stay positive during these difficult times. 

Tree Decorated with Knitted Scarf  Tree Decorated with Knitted Scarf  Tree Decorated with Knitted Scarf

We created a Facebook post explaining that we have a tree on the lane between Weston Road and Thicknall Road brightly decorated and regularly see lots of walkers, joggers, children passing by and wondered if anyone would kindly hang a positive message on our tree for all our residents.

We’ve been absolutely blown away by the response we had from our Facebook post and by all of the wonderful and talented people who knitted incredible scarves for the trees, giving us all so much to smile and talk about.

Family Friends Messages  Family Friends Messages

This is Ruth Chidlow. Ruth saw our post on Facebook requesting coloured scarves for the trees and despite Ruth not having a relative here at Field house she wanted to help knitting scarves to decorate our trees.

Ruth Chidlow with Knitted Scarves Donation

Thank you, Ruth, it means a lot! And thank you for those who have left such kind and positive messages on our tree.

We can’t wait to see the new ones next week!

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